Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And the Winners Are. . .

Thank you so much to all of you who made me feel good by entering my contest. And thanks for sharing the Good News! I love giving my books away and just wish I could afford to give you all one. But at least I can give away two!

Drum roll please. . . ta da ta da!!!!

The first winner is Beverly@the Buzz and the second winner is Heather. If you two will email smillsjo at gmail dot com with your full names and addresses, I will mail the books to you.

Some of you asked where you can get the book if you didn't win. It is at Deseret Book, other LDS bookstores, and at Amazon.com. If you look on the left side of my blog there is a picture of the book and clicking on it will take you directly to Amazon.

Thanks again everyone and have a Truth filled day! I hope you'll keep sharing Good News! with others.


  1. Address is on the way! Thanks so much. I can't wait to read it!

  2. Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for being so generous, Sherrie. :)
