Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time to Get Some Rest

The family went home this morning and the house is empty. I’ve been cleaning and straightening and it might soon look like someone besides Oscar the Grouch lives here. Two weeks of chaos, laughter, clutter, cooking for fifteen, noise, game playing, laughter (I know I already said that, but there was enough laughter for two entries!) has come to a close. It has been a busy, but great holiday.

I hope you also had great times. Let me know what you did! I'd love to hear from all of you.


  1. traditional game night with couples and our kids. we started out 10 years ago with no kids and now have 8 1/2 between the 3 couples!

  2. I just finished making the Smileboxes from our three Christmas celebrations and my brother's wedding. I'm ready to relax now! :)

  3. P.S. I think I sent you most of them. If you're interested in seeing the other ones, I've posted them all on my blog.

    Oh, we stayed up until midnight at our house and yelled "Happy New Year", but that was about it. I think we were all celebrated out! :)

  4. Besides all the Christmas celebrations, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have 6 birthdays to celebrate. It is a wonderful time and lots of fun, but right after we yell "Happy New Year", we also say "uncle" 'cause we can't do anymore. We wait about a week and start planning for nest year. Nest year we will have grandchildren old enough to do the Nativity. Our only problem is with 8 girls and 2 boys, we don't have enough for 3 Wiseman and Joseph. Some daddys will have to be enlisted, but I think it will be fine. And of course, we have beautiful little shepards and angels galore. ( No one wants to be cattle either,*sigh). I still look forward to next year, and will be replaying this one in my mind for a long time. The beautiful stories, little ones helping with Secret Santa, making and frosting yummy sugar cookies, trying to keep secrets and just plain magic moments have left me full of gratitude and real joy. Here's to 2010!!

  5. 5Ls, That sounds so fun! I love traditions and I think it is important to nourish and keep alive old friendships. Great way to start a new year!!!!

  6. Wendi, What a great way to start the year--by preserving and treasuring the past. And thank you for sharing with me. They are amazing!!

  7. Cathie, You wrote this so vividly that I could see the whole thing and I am still chuckling. You made my day and your family will love you forever for the memories you are making. You are wonderful!
