Wednesday, February 10, 2010

About the Good News!

In class today we’re discussing the Atonement. I always feel so inadequate to teach the Atonement. How do you put into words all that the Atonement is and all that it means to us? Without the Atonement of Jesus Christ we would have been doomed to an eternal state of misery and woe. I, for one, don’t like misery and woe. I prefer joy and peace. And the reason I know which I prefer is that I’ve tasted both. It isn’t even a question in my mind. I want to dwell joy and peace eternally, and I know I can because of Jesus Christ.

Too often in classes we summarize the Atonement in trite phrases such as, “It’s victory over physical and spiritual death,” and move on to the next question. But that doesn’t even begin to come close to what it means in my daily life. It may be fact, but it doesn’t capture all that the Atonement is. The Atonement gives me the opportunity to grow and change. It connects me to God’s love. It allows me communion with the Spirit. It is hope. It is salvation. And this list could go on forever because the Atonement literally makes everything in life that is good possible.

Despite my inadequacies in teaching, I love teaching the Atonement because even though I can’t express all I feel, it makes me feel it. Today is going to be a wonderful day; a day of joy and rejoicing because I’m thinking about the righteousness of my Savior.


  1. This is my very favorite subject. I posted about my feelings (and also quoted you) here:

    I also said this in my testimony on Sunday: ...The "after all we can do" doesn't mean that the Savior waits until the end to bless us with His saving grace. He blesses us with that sustaining and uplifting grace every day as we go along in this life. I'm thankful for the opportunity to renew the covenants we've made by partaking of the sacrament. As we do that, we will never stray too far off the path. We always have a way each week to correct our situation....

    Today is also the 17th anniversary of the day I entered the MTC. I remember clearly that the main reason I went on my mission was to help people understand that "there is ALWAYS hope in Christ". I'm so thankful for that! :)

  2. My words too can not express my gratitude for the Atonement for all mankind. Thank you for this post.
