Monday, February 8, 2010


Being at D7’s home has reminded me of how Good News! got started. In September of 2007 D7 called me to tell me she had a surprise for me. She instructed me to get on my computer and type in the address, www.sherriejohnson.blogspot .com. I vaguely knew what a blog was, but I had never seen one before. I followed her instructions and found a blog called Yaddow containing the stories I had been sharing with my family about my growing up years in Centerville, Utah on it. “I thought other people besides our family should read these,” D7 told me and so I continued posting events from my history.

But loving the scriptures and knowing how much they have changed my life and how much they have given me, I began to write more from the scriptures and things I’ve discovered there. At that point I changed the name of the blog. D7 had named the blog Yaddow because that is what I call my office at home. Yaddo  is a 400 acres artist’s retreat in New York. It is a gorgeous heavily wooded area where artists can seek solace and uninterrupted peace to create. I added the “w” to the word and named my office that. My office is not a beautiful wooded area and when I’m in there I seldom have uninterrupted time, but it is my place of solace and the place where I write.

But when I began writing about the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ, the name for the blog evolved because the word gospel means “good news.” For years the idea that the word meant “God’s story” has circulated, but that is a linguistic myth. However, God’s story is certainly “good news!”  and I am delighted to share the Good News and hope it shines sunlight on your day.

But the best part of all this is that every day when I log on I use the password D7 created for the blog. It is an expression of love that only she and I know. It fills me with delight every time I log on and reminds me how blessed I am to be her mother.


  1. Thank goodness for daughters! My blog started with an email from my daughter basically telling me the same thing. So now I can blame her for all the time I spend on the computer!

  2. I started a blog for my mom too, in hopes that she'll learn how to post on it and will use it for updates when they go on a mission next fall. :)

  3. such a sweet beginning and we are lucky you continued your blog.

  4. Your daughters have become beautiful, intelligent, creative women - just like their amazing mother! I love you and your family. Thanks for blessing my life in so many ways.

  5. What a wonderful beginning and treasured legacy for your family. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. And it is so true that some of the best ideas and wisdom come from our own daughters!

  6. This is so sweet, thanks for sharing it.

  7. What a beautiful picture of you two!
