Saturday, February 27, 2010

Living In Truth

For those of you who are new to Good News! or to those of you who read it from a listing, you might not have noticed that on the left side of the blog I have added a list of the terms that I use when talking about Living in Truth. If you want to understand what it means to Live in Truth or what the Truth Tools are or what the Pit of Illusion is, click on any of those items and it will take you to a post that describes them. In addition, if you click on the indexed words after any post it will bring up all the posts about that subject.

As you experiment with Living in Truth I hope you will share your stories here. Living in Truth is freeing and hearing how other people do it is encouraging. Don't be shy! Let's help each other to break out of the bondage of negative emotions and LIVE IN TRUTH.


  1. Sister Johnson,
    I want to thank you so much for your posts. I am in the process of reuniting with my husband after 8 months of seperation because of his addiction. He is on the road to recovery but it has taken a long time, especially for me, to learn, recognize and shake off my co-dependency and for me to do that I have to live in the Truth. Your daily posts are a constant reminder to keep myself in check so as not to spiral down a sad and demoralizing cycle. Thank YOU!!!

  2. Oh Hooray! You put them in the sidebar! Thanks. :)
