Thursday, February 18, 2010

Musings on the Olympics

I love the Olympics—especially the stories of courage and love that are highlighted during the games. But I always feel an acute hurt for the athletes who work for years and years and at the crucial moment make a mistake that costs them a medal. It all seems as much a case of luck as it does skill. But that’s not so different than everyday life. We have all had those kinds of experiences when no matter how well prepared we are things go wrong in the crucial moment and we fall flat.

In the Olympics only one person in each event can win gold, only one wins silver, and only one wins bronze, but hundreds of others have wanted, waited, wished, worked and failed to make it that far. That is the nature of competition. That is the nature of telestial life. But, thank goodness, celestial life is much different.

As I watch the tears and the dashed hopes in the Olympic games this year, I have been reminded that the greatest feat in life, the opportunity to return to live with our Father in Heaven, is not a competition. Everyone who runs that race will win. This isn’t a race that only the first person over the finish line wins. This is a race that everyone who endures will win. The only way we will fail to make it is if we give up and refuse to run the race. There is no bronze, silver, and gold in the race to Eternal Life—if we simply keep trying we will all be gold medalists!


  1. Thanks for this post. I needed it today since I feel like all I have been doing is falling down.

  2. I love hearing the stories about their life of courage and strength that got them to the olympics. I always thought it would be cool in real life to hear each others stories. What got us to the point where we are today? What keeps us going? Where do we find strenght?

  3. I have thought these very things yet am not quite so gifted in expressing the same! Thank goodness if we endure to the end we finish the race with Gold!!! Been catching up on several posts at once...all are so very thought have such a gift.

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I can't watch the Olympics or other sports events because it makes me too nervous for them. I'm VERY thankful that the path back to Heavenly Father is not a competition. :)
