Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Women's Conference

I have some news to share. I have been invited to speak at the BYU Women’s Conference this April. My topic is the “Intelligent Use of Agency” and as I have been preparing, I am getting more and more excited. If any of you are coming (April 29th and 30th), be sure and look me up and say hello. I am speaking Friday at 11:00 and the other speaker in the session is Kathy Clayton, the wife of Elder L. Whitney Clayton a member of the Presidency of the Seventy.

Women’s Conference is always so much fun. I love hearing the Marriott Center ring with nineteen-thousand women’s voices singing the hymns of Zion together. But the very best part is the frequent experience of watching as suddenly two people who haven’t seen each other for years recognize one another. The hugs, laughter, and sometimes even joyful tears that follow are delightful. The only thing better is when it is you who sees someone you love from your past! Love fills the air and happiness abounds at Women’s Conference. If you’ve never been, make it a goal to someday attend. It is an amazing experience.


  1. I think the Conference is very lucky to you have you come and speak. I wish so much I could come and see you in person, but I know those who do will leave with new insight and spiritual awareness. I'm also very happy that you feel well and strong enough now to take advantage of this opportunity because I know how much you love teaching. It will be a wonderful time.

  2. This is so exciting!!! I wish I was closer...Not that Arizona is that far away, however, the job keeps me bound to AZ for the time being. Hope you'll post your talk, or maybe your talking points! :)

  3. That will be a great experience for everyone involved! Thanks for sharing the news. :)

  4. Yay! I've attended Womens Conference with my mom and sisters for the past 3 years. We will be sure NOT to miss your class!

  5. Can not wait to hear you speak again. I need some good news today. Sheryl Vernon
