Saturday, March 13, 2010

Family Forever

For years I listened to the debate concerning whether a spirit enters a body at the time of quickening or the time of birth. Having carried ten children within me, the debate always caused me to chuckle. I knew the spirit entered the body at the time of quickening because I’d felt that little person within me and knew there was a spirit in that body with a personality and idiosyncrasies and everything else that means life.

But it wasn’t until after my ninth daughter was stillborn that I searched the question out and found this from Elder Bruce R. McConkie, “The spirit enters the body at the time of quickening, months prior to the actual normal birth. The value and comfort attending a knowledge of this eternal truth is seen in connection with stillborn children. Since the spirit entered the body before birth, stillborn children will be resurrected and righteous parents shall enjoy their association in immortal glory” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 85).

This is why when people ask how many children I have, I answer ten. I raised nine, but I have ten. I never felt her anxiously sucking at my breast. I never touched my lips to her cheek. But she pinched my ribs, tickled the inside of me with her toes, and playfully tumbled against my muscles and bones. She knew me as mother and I knew her as child. I will always know her. She is mine. She is God's. And we are forever.


  1. This was very beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. I'd like to talk to you more about this. I lost 2 babies between the weeks of 12 and 16. I never felt them move inside of me but I have wondered a lot about this.

  2. I agree with you and Elder McConkie that the spirit enters the body at the time of quickening. I have felt that, too!

  3. that was the most beautiful post. thank you <3

  4. This is beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  5. Yes, that was very beautiful. I had a miscarriage very early on and never felt that "quickening", but the little boys spirit came to me in a dream. My very next child was a boy, and I always felt that it was the same spirit. Now with this knowledge, I believe that his spirit did not enter that miscarried body but waited for the next-very comforting also. As my son grows, his personality is so much like the boy in my dream, and so now, it all makes sense. :)
