Friday, March 26, 2010


I have the most amazing family. They (like me) are not without flaws, but they are all trying their best to do what is right.

One of the greatest delights of my life is watching them love and care for one another. They are scattered all over the world—from Africa to California and various places in between—and yet they manage to be each other’s best friends. They call and Skype each other frequently, share recipes, parenting advice, and words of encouragement and love. Like I said, we are not perfect, but when someone says something stupid or even hurtful, they figure that person is having a bad day and forget it or laugh it off. You can’t live together as a family for as many years as we have and not have some bad water flow under the bridge, but my children have forgiven and forgotten and have moved on in love and peace. They stick together!

In short, my children live in Truth and it brings me great joy—the greatest joy of my life. Like John, I say, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 1:4).


  1. Family life really was designed to teach us what we need to learn and know. I'm thankful for my family also. Thanks for sharing what you've learned along the way. :)

  2. Oh, I LOVE my family. I switched my livingroom around but one thing had to stay up and that was the Johnson clock! Now that is something we share!:)

  3. We do have THE best family! I miss you all but I know that your love and help is only a phone call away!

  4. you have a beautiful family! your poor son with all those, i bet he makes a great husband! love the red hair and curls amidst all the blonde too! :)

  5. You do have a beautiful (inside and out) family! Josh is so handsome and lucky to have lots of sisters to tease and love him. When and where was your photo taken, I love it. Happy Easter - I love Easter.
