Monday, March 29, 2010

It's the Easter Season!

I made it home yesterday! I drove back from California with my daughter and her four children so they can spend Easter and Spring Break with us. It was a long drive, but I love driving in the car so it was great. This is a beautiful time of year to drive. Everything was so green and the weather was perfect—we didn’t even need the air conditioner!

Now I’m back in my office getting ready to teach my classes for the day and counting the blessings in my life which are all possible because of Jesus Christ. As Easter approaches I feel an overwhelming reverence and awe for what He did for me. When I think about how miserable eternity would be with no progression—no salvation—I’m am filled with love and gratitude for the One who saved me from such despair.

I love my Savior and at this Easter season I am recommitting myself to His work and His gospel. I get a little side-tracked at Christmas with presents and food and everything there is to do. But I’ve managed to keep our family’s Easter celebrating at a minimum so that we can concentrate on the event that is celebrated. And this week is the week to concentrate on Him.


  1. Glad you made it back safe. I think it's neat that we have Conference on Easter Sunday this year too. :)

  2. Glad you're back and it sounds like you're feeling pretty well. Easter is wonderful and, I too, love it on Conference. It will be a spiritual feast even more than usual.

  3. I always feel a little conflict with the beautiful 'holidays' on how to celebrate with family and yet how to stay focused on the 'true meaning' of the holiday and be spiritually fed and help those around me (especially children) to be spiritually fed. Just being able to articulate that helps me begin to create new ways!

  4. What happened the second day of your training? Were you able to get all the info in one day? Was your stamina okay. Since you did not say, I felt left hanging!
