Friday, March 5, 2010

Sun's Out

This morning when I went out to exercise the world was dark and dreary. Snow floated from the sky to add to an already white world. Roads were slick and treacherous and the cold chill nipped into the bones. But here I sit a few hours later and the sun shining in a clear blue sky twinkles on the fast melting snow. It is warm enough that I just ran errands without a coat. It is amazing how fast things can change and not just the weather.

No matter how bad things are, it is important to realize that the only thing that is constant in this life is change. Nothing stays the same and no matter how bleak something appears at the moment, the next moment it could all change.

So here’s to sun shining in your heart now and if it isn’t—it will be soon! You can count on change!


  1. I love that picture! I guess I will see some snow next winter, I have been accepted to attend BYU in the fall! I also put my picture up for you : )
    Do you remember me from Summer 08 Book of Mormon class?
    Thank you for all of your inspiring words, I have missed them lately.

  2. I sure did appreciate this post AND the sunshine. Thanks. :)
