Friday, April 30, 2010

Capturing Sunlight

I woke up this morning to an inch of snow on the ground and big flakes of snow tumbling through the sky so the whole world was one white, wet mass. Today is when I speak at Women's Conference and at first I took it as a bad omen. I saw its chilling, dampening effect.

But then I remembered what I have been learning about storytelling and how we create our own meaning and immediately changed my story. So now I'm thinking this snow is bringing down God's blessings (straight from heaven!) upon me. Hurray, for white, pure snow! It's a much better story that has brought me peace. I still marvel at how my thoughts can be changed so easily and the power they have to make my whole body feel and respond differently. It is amazing! It's as if I captured my own sunlight!

I speak at 11:00 on what we have discussed on Good News! about necessary and unnecessary pain. I'll be thinking of all of you as I speak, and wishing you (my blog friends) were all with me.


  1. Hope everything goes well today! I'll be there in Spirit. :)

  2. Wish I could be there this year. Hope all goes well. You will do awesome speaking!! I can't believe it is still snowing.

  3. Wishing I was there!! Please share what you discussed. I need to work so desperately on not holding onto unnecessary pain, but allowing the Savior to take it away. I have a long road ahead, but I have done it once now to do it again. :) Any new insight will be helpful.

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying the snow. Late snow in the spring falling over new green leaves and colorful flowers is so beautiful to me. It's like a snow white blanket of purity over the new season. The snow covers dirt, and worn out surfaces and makes everything look new and exciting. To me it is like a new chick breaking out of it's shell, and entering a new, beautiful world. To top it off by one of your beautiful lessons will make it a perfect day. I can't be there, but I have thought about it all morning and I can almost hear your sweet voice, with all your sincerity, enthusiasm and wisdom. I'm sure everyone will leave feeling very uplifted. Thank you for your blog so I can share in it, too. :-)

  5. I enjoyed your class very much. It's been several months since I attended your workshop series and I was due for an update. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  6. my cousin Holly Bennion (who knows your daughter in CA) was at my mom's presentation this afternoon. She was showing my sister your book and saying how much she LOVED it. And she was able to go to your presentation and loved it as well! I wish I could have made it to yours, but alas... I wasn't able to get to any other than my mom's. Hope yours went well.

  7. I was there... and I enjoyed your presentation. You always do such a great job! Of course I had to tell the sister sitting next to me that you were my piano teacher... way back when :-)

  8. So glad I atteneded your class! It was fabulous.

  9. Wendi, You are always so supportive. Here's hoping that next year you'll be well enough to be there in person! xoxo

  10. Talena, We missed you! My dream is to someday have all of you at Women's Conference with me! It would be so much fun!

  11. Kim, I wish you could have been there also. It's such a great feeling to be with so many women who share your same values and goals. Amazing! I will post more. As I explained, I'm learning more about it myself.

  12. Cathie, You always add such beautiful thoughts. Your positive approach to life is such a joy. Some of the conference is going to be rebroadcast so I hope you'll get to hear it. Especially look for the keynote address by Renate Forste. It was AMAZING!

  13. Jen, You didn't come give me a hug! I would have liked to have seen you again, but with going over time, I'm sure you were in a hurry to get to your next class. Hope all is going well with you!

  14. Heather, How did your part in your mother's presentation go? I wish I could have seen yours also. There was a great feeling that permeated the conference!

  15. Lesley, Wasn't it just yesterday that you were my piano student? How time flies. I wish I could have seen you. It has been such a long time. I hope all is going well with you!

  16. Kathy H., Thank you so much for the kind words and for coming to the class. Wasn't the conference wonderful!
