Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer is Here!

Summer is finally here and it is going to go fast. On July 5th Mr. J and I are going to New York to be Volunteers at the Hill Cumorah Pageant for two weeks. We already have our assignment--we will be at the Smith Farm so if you are visiting the Pageant this year be sure to find us and say hello. We are very excited to spend two weeks at the Sacred Grove and to be a small part of the pageant. The bonus is that D1 and her family are going to be in the pageant so we will get to see them.

We finish our work there on the 18th and on the 19th we fly to Ireland. Mr. J served as a missionary there a few years ago and he has always told me he'd take me back there and finally we are going.We arrive in Ireland on the 20th and will meet D8 and her family who are currently living in Africa there. We will spend the first five days in Northern Ireland near Belfast and then are hoping to go south to the Republic of Ireland to spend the next five days there. We don't have a place to stay there yet, but D8 is an amazing tour planner and she is looking for cottages for us to rent for the week. If you know of any, or if you've been there and have some good ideas of places to visit, (especially places with good food!) send them to me.

We get home late on July 31st. Several other daughters will be here visiting and then on August 16th BYU Education Week begins. This year I am teaching three classes. I am teaching Messages in the Miracles of Jesus in a three hour block on Monday. During the week I am teaching a class on the life and writings of C. S. Lewis which I am very excited about and a class on Living in Truth called something like Ridding Your Life of Negative Emotions. (I can't remember the exact title!) If you are planning to be at Education Week be sure and come say hello. I love the fact that at BYU Women's Conference several of you introduced yourselves to me. It turns all that work of preparation and presentation into fun!

For now, I just need to get my foot healed so I can do all of this!!!!


  1. Wow! Sounds like you have a busy and fun summer planned. It was nice seeing you yesterday at Harmon's. :)

  2. What a great summer and wonderful memories. I think it is extra special that you get to spend so much time with your girls who live far away. I look forward to all your posts.

  3. How exciting for you and your family, I am so happy for you! I hope I can make it to education week this year!
