Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day Three in Palmyra

This morning we began our work. (It is difficult to call it work! It isn’t play, but it is absolute delight.) Our first assignment was to patrol the path deepest into the Sacred Grove. We just walked around and were supposed to help anyone who needs help and keep people from going off the path or doing things to destroy the Grove like picking the wildflowers or carving names on trees. It was very easy this morning because no one went that far into the Grove so we had another morning of enjoying the solitude and reverence. I’ve never been in a place that feels as much like a temple as the Sacred Grove. I wish everyone could bring their children here and let them feel the place. It would help our children understand why we want them to be temple worthy so that they can go to and be renewed in a place like this.

Our second station was counting visitors as they entered the log home where Joseph Smith was living at the time of the first vision in 1820 and where he was sleeping Sept. 21st, 1823, when Moroni awakened him to tell him what the Lord wanted him to do with his life. Six boys sleeping in that tiny room and Joseph visiting with Moroni all night long. You never know what the person next to you is experiencing! And such an amazing message. A message that change the course of my ancestors lives and allowed me a life that includes Jesus Christ. I am so grateful.

Our third station was the entrance to the visitors center. So many wonderful people and a special surprise--one of my BYU students from many years ago came through with his four children! FOUR! How could that have happened?

At 2:00 our shift ended and we went to Canandaigua to a little crepe shop for lunch. The entire Main Street of Canandaigua looks like it did in the early 1900s. Such a delight to step back in time while using my IPhone and enjoying amenities such as air conditioning. After lunch we visited a small specialty store that sells flavored vinegars and oils. I tasted peach balsamic vinegar and blueberry balsamic vinegar and you won’t believe this one—chocolate balsamic vinegar. Such a taste treat. I want to make salad dressing out of the chocolate! I wanted to buy some but I’d have to drag them to Ireland so I’ll wait until I get home and then order some. If you want to check them out (It’s worth it!) they can be found at I just wish I could give you a taste!
After F. Olivers we rode out to Bristol to a pottery shop. We got there a little late and the potter was just closing up shop so we could watch him at work, but I bought a beautiful bowl inlaid with leaves that I’ll send home with some clothes before we leave for Ireland. (It won’t be as difficult to ship the bowl as it would be to ship liquid vinegar!)
Every place I go I wonder if Joseph walked here. I know he was on the Hill Cumorah and all around the Grove. But did he also travel the path to Canandaigua? Did he go to Seneca Falls or Macedon? He was here and now I am here and it makes me think of the miracle of it all constantly. So amazing!

We’re going to the dress rehearsal of the pageant tonight! Wish you were all here with me!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the Palmyra temple and I really appreciated that second paragraph. Reading the names Canandaigua and Macedon always bring back memories, since we had friends that lived in those places. :)
