Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Me!

This is the room I was married in.
Forty-three years ago this morning, at six o'clock to be exact, Mr. J picked me up in his little red Corvair and drove me to Manti where we were married for time and all eternity. In some ways it seems like yesterday that all this happened, and in other ways it seems like the eternity part is all we've ever known. We've had ten children, sent one on to the next world where she's waiting for us. We've paced the floor with the other nine for reasons that included sickness, emotional crisis, and forgetting they had a curfew. We've worried about how we were going to put braces on their teeth and how we could help them through school. But despite the worry and because they are all such great kids, we made it through. We've loved, argued, laughed, disagreed, played, prayed, and loved some more for forty-three years, and now we find ourselves getting old together. What a blessing!

So today we are off to celebrate those forty-three years.We're going to Las Vegas to see the Lion King thanks to D2.We are excited not only to see the play, but because it is also a trip down memory lane. You see, forty-three years ago we went to Vegas for our honeymoon and we saw Hello Dolly. (We both love live theatre and especially musicals!

It isn't every day that I can tell you what I was doing forty-three years before. But today I can tell you what happened during almost every hour of the day. At exactly this minute I was getting into my wedding dress!


  1. How beautiful! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!! Enjoy Vegas.

  3. Happy Anniversary to the most amazing parents anyone could hope for. Love ya Mom and Dad!!

    PS - Sorry about the forgetting I had a curfew thing!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both. So much love and so much to celebrate. Have a wonderful time.

  5. Congratulations and have fun!

  6. Thanks for being an example of eternal marriage.

  7. What a special post. How blessed indeed you are. Thanks for sharing and Happy Anniversary!!

  8. Happy anniversary! Hope it was a wonderful day for you.
