Saturday, August 14, 2010


It’s been a week of miracles around here. There have been so many I couldn’t even recount them all here. But just to give you an idea, before we left for NY my computer crashed and while we were gone SIL 5 fixed it. I wasn’t worried because I thought I had everything backed up so I could just reload, but when I did reload I found out that for some reason my documents had only backed up from “n” on through the rest of the alphabet. Since the "C. S. Lewis" file and the "Miracles" file both come in the alphabet before “n” they were gone and they had all that I had prepared for Education Week next week. It’s a long story, and it took a lot of precious time, but I eventually was able to find both files. It is an absolute miracle.

I also had a novel I’d written years ago and wanted to work on again that was stored on an old floppy disk and I no longer had a drive to read it, but SIL6 took the disk to see what he could do while warning me that the disk was so old it probably had corrupted. But he opened the file, made it into text, and emailed it to me. Miracle!

But the most amazing miracle happened to D8—the one we were with in Ireland and the one living in Africa where she and her family are the only members of the Church in the entire country of Mauritania. This December their oldest son will turn eight and he wants to be baptized in the ocean. There is one problem. They don’t have two witnesses. They have been corresponding with Church headquarters to see what they can do and were told they would have to either travel to another country or wait until they return to the states. Traveling would be difficult and they didn’t want to wait that long (It would be almost a year). He really doesn’t want to wait either and has his heart set on being baptized in the ocean.

Well, when they returned from our trip to Ireland, there was a new military unit attached to the embassy for the next six months. Mauritania is not a very important country and so the military units assigned there are small—only a handful of personnel, but in that small group are not one, but two Mormon men who hold the priesthood. Besides being the answer to the baptism dilemma, they now have someone else to give talks and prayers at their Sabbath meetings! They are so excited, and we all realize that it is a miracle.


  1. Yay for miracles! I'm so happy for all of you. :)

  2. The Lord does hear all requests and does provide! Wonderful! I love those little miracles.
