Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Power of Memory

One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is the story of Joseph. Wrongly abused, wrongly accused, and forsaken by those who should have loved him most, he faithfully makes the best of every situation and triumphs. I’ve often wondered what he did to survive.

The precious coat of many colors his father had given him was taken away when he was sold into bondage. Everything else was also taken from him. He was alone and destitute. But neither his brothers  or his captors could not take away his memories. Those memories had to be one of the major factors in his ability to stay true and faithful. 
Likewise we can use memories to fuel and help us in times of need. We can recall the sweetness of bygone moments, the warmth of relationships, the things that have been given to us by those we love, but especially we can savor the spiritual experiences that have enriched our lives.

Memory is a powerful tool if we use it to remember the good and not the bad. Dwelling on good memories creates more good. It fills our hearts with love and gratitude and joy and those three things can empower us to overcome the many obstacles that we encounter in our journey back to God.

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