Thursday, October 28, 2010

There's Always Something More To Learn

I have been on pins and needles all week. D5 is in Russia trying to adopt children and things are not going well. You can read about her plight by clicking here.

But my plight takes me back to the principles of Living in Truth. My experience has taught me that it is much easier to Live in Truth when the problems are just with yourself. It is much harder when people you love are suffering. I've watched the agony D5 has gone through with medical procedures to help her get pregnant and the intense sorrow as each time they failed. I've seen the trouble and expense as she and her good husband have spent countless hours jumping through hoops required by the adoption process. It is a trial of faith to watch all of this and at the same time know what good parents they are. No child could find a better home than what they offer, and yet every where they turn they meet problems and disappointment.

It is difficult to understand and I have to keep reminding myself that understanding isn't part of faith. Faith is trusting that the Lord knows what is best for us and that even when things seem so absolutely wrong He can make them right. I'm using every Truth Tool in the arsenal right now to keep myself centered in faith, and constantly praying for a miracle. But whatever happens, I know our Savior will help her and me through  it. I am grateful for that knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. What a difficult situation this has been for her! It doesn't seem fair. And my emotional illness doesn't seem fair to me or my family either. However, I know that miracle still happen. Give her a hug from me when you see her again. I've only met her once (we ran into her at Hogle Zoo and I recognized her from her blog), but I am amazed at her faith and courage to carry on. :)
