Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I had a student in my office the other day who said to me, “I’m beginning to realize that with the Lord timing is everything.” It was an interesting statement and one I wish more 18 year old freshmen understood. But I can’t really criticize because I was much older than 18 when I learned it. Elder Neal A. Maxwell once wrote, “Faith in the timing of God [is] to be able to say Thy timing be done, even when we do not fully understand it.”

 When we trust in the Savior we know that all things unfairly done to us will be recompensed to us. As John tells us in his great revelation, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Rev. 21:4).

At some point every one of us will have our tears wiped away, and the pains we have suffered unfairly will be made up to us. That probably won’t happen tomorrow. But it will happen! A great part of faith, as Elder Maxwell taught, is to trust in the timing of God. Jesus Christ will make everything fair and good and right. Our job is to remember that and live accordingly.


  1. I needed this so much today! Thank you!

  2. That is such an important lesson to remember in this life. Thank you for the reminder. :)
