Friday, October 8, 2010

Wow, 50,000!

In the next couple of days the 50,000th visitor will click onto
Good News!
As I have reflected on how my D7 started this blog as a surprise to me, how many of you so lovingly supported me through my battle with Grizelda, and the many of you who have signed up as followers, my heart has been filled to over flowing. I love signing in and seeing your pictures. It gives me the same feeling as walking into a room full of friends. Thank you for your comments for your love and for coming to visit.

As I wrote about a few days ago, there is so much negative talk out there about technology. And yes, I do understand that it can be misused. But there is also so much good that can be accomplished through technology. When those of you who have a link to my blog on your own blogs click into my blog from your link, I can then click into your blog and I love to see what you are doing. Many of you I’ve never met in person, but from following your blogs I feel like we are old friends. I love it and hope someday to meet you all.

So, thank you! And I am sending my love your way. May God bless each and every one of you!


  1. I love your blog and am grateful for your gentle reminders and wisdom. I have much to learn and am grateful for the tender mercy extended to me daily.

  2. I am newer to your blog and am grateful for the eloquent way you express yourself. WOW! 50,000 visitors. That's alot of support! Way to go and may the Lord continue to bless you :)

  3. We love you, too, Sherrie. Your inspired words help us everyday, and I am grateful we are friends. xoxoxo
