Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Tis The Season

I’ve found myself in a funny mood this Christmas. I don’t want to put up the tree. I don’t want to decorate the house or the yard. I don’t want to shop. I don’t want to bake Christmas goodies. I don’t want to attend Christmas parties. I don’t want to send Christmas cards. But it’s not like I’ve become a Scrooge that hates Christmas or that I’m condemning others who do those things. After all, I realize there can be great meaning for some people in doing those things. But I think my experience with Grizelda has made me realize how important time is, and that it is running out. I just want to take every one of the minutes that would be used to do those traditional things and use them to ponder on my Savior.

I do want to put up my collection of crèches. I do want to read what Matthew, Mark, Luke and John said about the Savior. I do want to participate in meaningful service. I do want to listen to Christmas music—it’s my favorite music of all time! For me, those are the things that help me celebrate the birth of my Redeemer.

As I turned the calendar to December, I realized I’m at the point of needing to make a decision whether I should forget about the tree or change my attitude and put it up. I’m not sure yet, but if you come to my house and there is no Christmas tree, you’ll know which side won out!

In the meantime, I do hope that all December is a merry Christmas for you and that however you celebrate, it will remind you of Jesus Christ.


  1. You HAVE to put up the tree. ... not to be bossy! :) But don't you just love the lights on the tree... even if you don't bother with any other decorations. I love sitting by the tree with the night-light of Christmas lights.

    "Christmas is a time of lights. We light our homes and trees, our streets, and our store windows. Processions of singing families carrying torches wind their way through the snowy Alps of Austria as they go to attend church at Christmastime. On that first Christmas night lights appeared in the heavens, especially one bright star that shone down on the manger where the Baby Jesus lay. Far away in the “new world” bright lights were also seen in the heavens.

    "... At this special time of year may you feel the JOY of Christmas, remembering Jesus as you see the LIGHTs of Christmas." First Presidency - December 1972

    Merry Christmas. :)

  2. I understand where you are coming from. I don't know if it is life crisis or age, but I find that I don't need all the trappings of Christmas to feel the Spirit of Christmas. I still love them, but doing them has become less important, and the good feelings of Christmas are more important. I love the music, I love talking to my grandkids and hearing their feelings about the season. I really love watching them play with the Fisher Price Nativity set for children, as they retell the story in their own words. I love watching KBYU old Christmas concerts and recognizing young people in them that are now grown with families of their own. The Scriptures seem richer. All in all, it is wonderful. I hope whether you do your tree or not,or any of the other traditions, you continue to enjoy and feel uplifted by the best Season of the year.

  3. You have to put them up. You will have a lot of dissappointed grandkids if you don't. :)

    Love you Mom! I wish I was there to help you put them up!

  4. Put up the tree! You will love it, after it is up. If I lived closer I would come do it for you. Love ya!!!!1

  5. Heather, I didn't think you were even close to rude! As a amtter of fact I loved your enthusiasm and whatyou said about light. Thanks for the kind words about the blog and thanks for contributing!
