Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hope, Blessed Hope!

The Good News! today is that there is hope. (Don’t you love that word hope!) The Truth is that everyone has hope. One of the Hebrew words that is translated in the Old Testament as hope is tikvaw which literally means “cord” but it is also used for the concept of hope. It is easy to see why cord and hope were associated because our hope is in whatever we are tied to. Some people have hope in power—if they have enough power they will be safe, comfortable, secure. Others place their hope in money—if they have enough money they will be secure. Others place their hope in popularity or fame or intelligence or in their ability to do something better than anyone else.

There are many things we place our hope in, but everyone has some kind of hope. Sometimes it is said that a suicidal person has no hope, but they do; they have placed their hope in death—if they can just die they will be safe and secure.

Thus the important question for all of us to ask is “What is my hope?” And the way to tell is to determine where we spend most of our time and effort.

Getting to the Celestial Kingdom is simple. All we need to do is want it more than we want anything else. If there is nothing we want more, we place our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and He will guide us to our Promised Land, the Celestial Kingdom. 

P.S. I have a good friend that writes a blog about hope. It is called Fireflies of Hope. Check it out.


  1. I especially appreciated this part: ...Getting to the Celestial Kingdom is simple. All we need to do is want it more than we want anything else. If there is nothing we want more, we place our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and He will guide us to our Promised Land, the Celestial Kingdom....

  2. Hope.......it is one of my favorite words!

  3. I love "What is my hope?" My hope is that I will find peace and happiness in obedience to the gospel. This helps clarify what I am doing and what I need to do when I don't feel peace and happiness.
