Friday, February 25, 2011


Tuesday as I walked into work the air sang with spring. Birds greeted me with song, the sun warmed my cheeks, the grass hinted at turning green, the air was alive with newness and an expectation of warm, wonderful things to come. Today we are under eight inches of bright, white snow and it is still coming down. 

Now I have a choice. I can get upset that the sun is hiding and that ice clutches the world in its cold grip, or I can see the beauty of this white world in all its sparkling splendor. One choice will sink me into the Pit and make the rest of the day miserable. The other choice will tickle something deep inside me so that I joyously giggle my way through the day. When we stop to think about it in this way, it makes us wonder why we ever choose the Pit. 
The view from my bedroom window.

As Elder Wirthlin said, “Come what may, and love it!” So I am loving this beautiful white world and thanking my Father in Heaven for coats, gloves, a warm car to travel in, and for the beauty of the earth. The sun will come back. The earth will turn green. But right now, I’m enjoying white.

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