Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter is Coming!

Easter is coming! 
It's the celebration of the greatest event that ever occurred upon the earth, 
and like Ammon I find myself thinking,
“Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord?
Yea, who can say too much of his great power,
and of his mercy,
and of his long-suffering towards the children of men?
Behold, I say unto you,
I cannot say the smallest part which I feel”
(Alma 26:16).

Jesus Christ is the Good News! and I am so grateful for good news. And what is the Good News? Jesus Christ saved me and you from eternal misery. (See 2 Nephi 9:8-9). I know how awful I feel when times are bad, when I do things wrong, when I’m in pain, when I’m sorrowing. I’ve tasted misery enough to know I don’t like it. But I’ve only tasted misery piece at a time, one aspect of misery at a time. But without the Atonement of Jesus Christ I’d have to live in all the misery there is forever with no possibility of escape. 

Misery weighs on me, eats at me, saps my strength, hurts me deep! But because of my Savior, I not only can escape misery, I can be helped through the “tastes” of misery I’m forced to “imbibe” while in mortality. Like I said, “Who can glory too much in the Lord?” I know I can’t say enough, and so as Easter approaches I’m going to glory in Him every day. And today I'm glorying in the fact that my Redeemer loved me enough to save me from 
eternal misery.

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture of the Savior. And I'm thankful that because He was resurrected, I'll be resurrected someday too. And I'm thankful that there will be less misery from a resurrected body than this mortal one. :)
