Saturday, June 4, 2011

What a World!
There is sunshine in my heart today and miracle of miracles there is sunshine in my yard today! Here in Utah we’ve had a long spell of cloudy, rainy days. I read a meteorologist report yesterday that said we’ve had more rain the last three months than has ever been reported for those months. Snow still caps the mountains and people are holding their breath hoping that it melts slowly or there will be major flooding problems. But I’ve never seen Utah this green. It is beautiful. Every shade of green you can imagine radiates richness from the mountainside, along the roadsides, and in the nearby yards.

There is so much beauty right now that it is impossible to walk outside and not be grateful for this amazing world.

Where ever you are, take a moment to enjoy the beauty around you. Soak in the blue of the sky. Breathe in the spring air. Enjoy the dancing of the leaves on the tree and the gentle breeze that kisses your cheek. God has given us a great gift—this world. Take time to enjoy it!

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