Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Home!

We traveled all day and arrived home weary at about midnight. I was tempted to complain when we sat on the runway for an hour at JFK waiting for our turn to take off, but then I remembered the Pioneers and how it took them months of stress, hardship, pain, hunger, and fatigue to make the same trip I would make in five hours and I managed to stop the complaining.

I'm spending the next few days with these amazing people! Lucky me!
It was sheer delight to return home to a houseful of our children and grandchildren. The children waited up for us and we giggled for awhile before we all went to bed. However, the grandchildren were asleep except for two of the teenagers and so I haven't seen them yet. I can't wait. I'm tempted to go wake them, but then my mothering memories awaken within me and I refrain myself. Mothering memory number one: Waking a sleeping child turns them into tigers for the rest of the day! There are just some things you don't do even when you want to.

This afternoon we leave for a cabin in the mountains. I won't have Internet access there so I probably won't be able to post anything until I get back on Saturday. But if by chance I find a way, I'll keep you updated on our adventures. I have some very fun things planned (like a pudding eating contest!) and I know the girls have some great plans also.


  1. Where can I find out more about this Palmyra kind of service?

  2. So glad you had a wonderful time and safe trip home. I'm also glad you don't have internet access at the cabin. You work very hard, and are faithful with your posts, because I think you know how much we need them. However, you just need to go with your family, forget the rest of the world, and have a wonderful time with no interruptions. Make some more wonderful memories!
