Friday, August 26, 2011

Forty-Four Years of Love's Beginnings

Forty-four years ago today Mr. J and I were married in the Manti Temple for time and all eternity. In those intervening years some days have felt like eternity, but most have fled like Christmas mornings—over before you want them to be. We’ve worried together, laughed together, cried together, and teased and loved each other. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been worth it.

Married life is an amazing thing. When I was young I thought marriage was all about romance and love. Now I realize married life is all about sacrifice and love. It is about growing and serving and becoming like God. Marriage is beautiful in very sacred ways and making it work well is the greatest education in the world.

Mr. J has loved me when I was at my worst--when I was bald, when I was preoccupied with children, when I was busy going to school, and when I was just plain ornery. Most importantly he has loved me into being my best. He has supported, bragged about, and encouraged me when I needed it most.

So here’s to the love of my life, Mr. J and to our next forty-four thousand years together. They are going to be good years!