Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas is Good News

I hope your Christmas celebration filled you with joy, love, and hope. That's what it is meant to do, but if we get too caught up in the materialism of gift giving and getting, that doesn't happen. Instead we pass through Christmas stressed, fatigued, disappointed, and weary. But if we take time to remember what Christmas is all about, the joy overshadows any of the stressful things. That's why I thank all of you for celebrating Christmas with me here on Good News! It gave me the opportunity to spend time thinking about the Good News. After all, the birth of Jesus Christ is the best news that ever was. He is The Good News--the very best news that has ever been given.

I've loved researching more about the events that were the original Christmas, and sharing what I know and what I've learned with you has made my Christmas very meaningful. I hope in some small way it has contributed to your Christmas celebration also.

So thank you for stopping by, and I hope you will continue to visit Good News! all year long. I love having company!


  1. Thanks so much for your reminders of a truly wonderful season. I love your blog...have been remiss in reading blogs and writing my gets in the way sometimes. Wishing you a fabulous New Year!

  2. Your posts truly did keep Christ in Christmas for us. Thank you! Wishing you the best in the coming year.

  3. Thank you so much for bringing the Christmas spirit into my heart! I learned so much! Your blog is so important to me :) Looking forward to continuing inspiration throughout the new year!

  4. Thank you for your posts this month, and every month. I have enjoyed them all!

  5. I appreciated being reminded of all the Christmas symbolism. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. :)
