Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve! Years ago that meant magic, wonder, excitement, anticipation, and joy knowing Santa Clause was about to come. Now it means magic, wonder, excitement, anticipation, and especially joy knowing that my Savior came.

The other day I had one of those everything-goes-wrong days that tend to push me into the Pit of Illusion. I was fighting against the feelings and trying to get back into the Realm of Truth as I went to bed. I usually fall asleep listening to something and that night I put on Susan Boyle’s Christmas album. As I lay in the dark fighting the negative feelings within me I suddenly became aware of the words being sung, “Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And fit us for heaven to live with thee there.” And with those words came the feeling that the negative thoughts I was plagued with were temporary because of Jesus Christ. What a gift! These bad dayswill have an end. All I need to do is hang on and He will do the rest. He was born to conquer all negative, bad, evil, horrible things. He will set all things right and that means make all things good. Because of Him we are being “fit for heaven” where none of that negative things will exist. I went to sleep firmly planted in the Realm of Truth, and rejoicing in that First Noel.

I love the fact that this Christmas comes on a Sunday. Besides the normal celebrating, we can go to His house and worship Him. Tomorrow I’ll sing songs of praise to Himwith neighbors and friends and people I love, and with them I'm I'll partake of His holiness. Tomorrow I'll have a few moments to think about all the things I've written about this month, but most importantly on His birthday I'll partake of the sacrament and remember how Mary in the House of Bread, placed that Bread of Life on the feeding trough--a symbolic offering, a feast for me.

My heart is full to overflowing with the magic, wonder, excitement, anticipation, and especially joy that is Christ.

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