Friday, April 20, 2012

Growth and Adversity

I've thought a lot about Post-Traumatic Growth that I wrote about yesterday since I learned about it. During and after my experience with Grizelda and the brain surgery I experienced it. It is very interesting how the very worst of life experiences can still be very encouraging and uplifting if we have the right mind-set.

A very good friend of mine was blind and she used to say to me, I hate being blind, but I wouldn't go back to seeing if it meant I had to give up all I've learned from being blind."

That's how I feel about Grizelda. It would be nice to not have a huge scar in my scalp and a "divot" in the temple on my forehead. It would have been nice not to have to miss a semester of teaching. It would ahve been very nice to have escaped the pain and worry. But I learned so much about life and especially about myself through that experience that I wouldn't go back and change anything.

The trick in life is to remember that and to keep our spirits up and to remain encouraged at the beginning of those trying experiences instead of only when we look back on them.


  1. Thank you for your good example. I've been dealing with a health issue since March 20th and I appreciate the perspective this gives me. :)

  2. Strength does come in hard times. My friend 34 who I told you about that had a similar tumor as yours passed away April 24th. She fought a long 4 1/2 year battle. Leaves behind a sweet family, and strong family, because she lived her life each day, and grew through her adversity. Her husband on the day she died took the children out to breakfast, and then to Temple Square. He wanted to make it a day that the children would remember, that families are forever. Grateful for the strength you and Heidi have shared through the years. Good examples.
