Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Glorious Day!

Here in Utah the last few days have been gray and drizzly. Today started out the same which meant I walked in the rain, but I love walking in a light rain, so the day started out with me singing (in my head, because I can't sing!) "I'm Singing in the Rain." The only problem was that Mr. J was with me and he didn't like the rain as much as I did so we only got half way through the walk and turned around. To give him credit, he wasn't dressed as warmly as I was.

When driving to school, the rain had intensified and I listened to the splatter on the windshield and laughed along. But when it came time to come home from teaching, the sun was out in all its glory and the recent rain had made everything vivid green and glorious! What a treat to feel the sun kiss my cheek. In short, I'm counting the blessings of the day and enjoying every gray and bright moment. There is always something wonderful going on in this world.

I hope you enjoy your day!

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