Sometimes life is deceptive. For example, we look at happy
people and after talking with them for a while we realize that they are also
very grateful people. The gratitude seeps into their conversation not in a scripted
way, but naturally as if it bubbles out of them whether they want it to or not.
So we go away thinking they are happy because they have so much to be grateful
for. That is the illusion!
If you talk longer or get to know these people more you
realize they are not grateful because they are happy, they are happy because
they are grateful. The secret to happiness and love is gratitude. Gratitude is
also the secret to Living in Truth. When we are looking for those Golden Goods
and rejoice in them, and give thanks for them, we are happy and filled with
In short, happiness does not ensure gratitude, but gratitude
always ensures happiness.
This is a good reminder for me. Thank you! :)