Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Medical Emergency

We had an eventful night last night flying home. Our plane was a little late getting out of Atlanta and we weren’t in the air too long when a flight attendant asked over the PA if there was a doctor, nurse or paramedic on board to please come to seat 39A. A few people got up and went back, but most people remained very orderly and in their seats as had been instructed. A few minutes later the flight attendant ran up the aisle calling watch your arms and shoulders. She went into the cockpit and after a few more minutes it was announced that we would be landing in Oklahoma City for a medical emergency.

Immediately the plane was prepared for landing and we took a detour into Oklahoma. Once we landed paramedics entered the plane and took the man off the plane. Then we sat for about an hour and a half while the crew filled out paper work, they refueled the plane, and went through all the red-tape to take off again. We were supposed to arrive in Salt Lake City at 9:10, but we arrived at 11:47.

We were lucky because Salt Lake was our destination, but most people were catching other flights in Salt Lake which, of course, they missed. The thing that impressed me most is how considerate and cooperative everyone was. I didn’t hear any negative comments or complaining. There were hundreds of people on the plane so I may have missed it, but I was paying attention to see what would happen and everywhere I looked people were making the best of an unfortunate situation.

It could have been such an ugly experience, but by taking what came and dealing with it in the best possible way people eliminated unnecessary pain from their own lives and saved others from having to deal with the pain their actions could have inflicted.

Since I didn’t get into bed until well after two, which would have been four according to Eastern time which is what I awoke to that day, I am tired, but I am happy and at peace and praying for the poor man who was suffering.

1 comment:

  1. It's such a good feeling when everyone works together to be part of the answer. Glad you made it home safely and prayers go to the gentleman with the emergency. Thank you for sharing this example of compassionate behavior. We don't always see that in large groups!
