Saturday, July 28, 2012


The day went well! I met some wonderful new sisters and learned from them and shared what I have learned with them. But I completely forgot to share that fantastic quote  I  posted yesterday! I got going in a different direction and left it out. 

It is surprising how many times when you speak a lot the spirit takes over and you end up teaching things you didn't plan on teaching. It is an interesting experience that helps me realize how much God loves each of us and when we are in an audience  He will  sometimes even change what a speaker has planned in order to meet our needs. Therefore I need to concentrate on going to meetings prepared and with the proper attitudes so that I can learn the things He has planned for me to learn.

I'll share more of what I learned from these good sisters on Monday. It was great.


  1. It really was a very good day. Thank you so much for spending it with us. I am going to enjoy reading through your blog! (the sister with the cutest baby)

  2. I know that it was a very good day also. Thank you so much for blessing my children. I am commenting on your blog from Lugansk, Ukraine and I did not even hear you but three of my daughters did. Therefore I know with absolute certainty that it really was a wonderful day. (Mother of the sister with the cutest baby)

  3. I'm glad it went well. And that really is neat how the Spirit works. :)
