Thursday, August 16, 2012

BYU Education Week Day Three

It is such a joy when people stop me and talk to me or come up after I speak to chat. I love the many interesting and beautiful people I've met this week. I especially love it as they tell me stories of their quest to Live in Truth and how it has changed them. I know how it has changed me and that is what makes the work and effort and time to do this so worth while.

Yesterday both the Living in Truth and the C. S. Lewis classes were over-flowing. I like that because it adds an energy to the room that benefits me and everyone participating. The preparation was a little frustrating and I had to apply a few Truth Tools because I got to my office and realized I had the wrong PowerPoint slides and so I had to start over and recreate them before my class and I realized I had left the Lewis books I was supposed to quote from at home. Mr. J kindly drove home to retrieve the books and in the end everything worked. Wow, am I thankful for what I've learned about Living in Truth. A few years ago a day like yesterday would have had me so vexed and sunk me so deep in the Pit of Illusion it would have taken a week to crawl out. But yesterday I arrived at my class with no residual negative feelings, unvexed and roaring to go.

Have I mentioned before how very much I love Living in Truth?!!!!!  :)


  1. It's my goal to attend one of your classes! Thanks for all your updates.

  2. I'm glad it all worked out okay. :)
