Thursday, October 18, 2012

Take the Opportunity

Image from: by Scott Chan
When we Live in Truth we see life differently. For example instead of seeing situations around us as problems, we see them as opportunities.

The word opportunity itself teaches us a lot about this concept. Opportunity means, "a favorable juncture of  circumstances." That's a good definition, but there is something more to this word. You may have noticed that there is a "port" in the middle of the word. That is significant. Sail toward it!

Opportunity comes from the Latin word opportunus which consists of the prefix, op- meaning "toward" and portus meaning (You guessed it!) "port or harbor." If traveling by ship, a port is your entry into a city which means you are approaching your destination which means you are now going to be able to carry on the business you came to do, or to enjoy visits with friends and family, or to start a new life, or to refuel the ship, or to take on needed supplies, or even to invade and conquer. But to do what you had come to do, you have to first take advantage of the port and enter it. You have to more toward the port.

When we think of what we sometimes call problems as "ports of call" or stops along the itinerary of life used to refuel, restock supplies, and unload and/or exchange cargo, we are Living in Truth. These opportunities become exciting adventures that prepare us for the rest of the journey.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the opportunity I had to catch up on your blog today. The things you write always inspire me. :)
