Friday, February 8, 2013

My Birthday

I don't know if any of you have missed me, but I sure have missed you. For the past two weeks I have been in bed with the flu and a secondary infection, bronchitis, and some other complications. I've never been so sick in my life. Right now I am feeling grateful to be able to sit up!

My birthday came and went while I've been sick. I spent the day in and out of doctors' offices, getting x-rays, testing and etc. Every where I went the first question was, "When's your birthday?" and when I'd answer. "Today!" They'd all break out laughing, "You're kidding!"

I feel grateful I could give everyone a good laugh for my birthday.


  1. Hope you are recovered. We did miss you. :-) Welcome back!

  2. Welcome back, I've missed you! Hope you get your strength back, get to celebrate your birthday, and move on to a great year!

  3. I have really been worried about you! I sent you a birthday e-mail and left a couple of comments on your last post. I'm so sorry that you've been so sick. I hope you will continue to recover and feel back to normal sooner than later. You're in my prayers. :)

  4. Hi Sherrie, you don't know me, but Happy (late) Birthday! I too was sick with the worst flu and thought I had never been so sick in my life. And then my kids got sick. I definitely needed the truth tools to get me out of the pity party I was having :) Thanks for your blog!

  5. We have missed you! You words of faith and encouragement (not to mention the Truth Tools) make a huge difference in my life! Feel better!

  6. Happy belated birthday Sherrie.

    Sorry to hear you have been sick. We have had a lot of the missionaries sick here too. I love to read your blog. Wendi keeps me updated on it. We send you our love. You are an amazing lady! Thank you for your continued example and for all the inspiration you share with us all.
