Wednesday, May 15, 2013

An Explanation

I can't believe a whole month has gone by since I last posted. Life got very busy for me and at the same time readers of Good News! dropped off dramatically so that very few people were dropping by each day. Because of both things I took a break to try and decide what to do. At this point I am still weighing the options. I will let you know soon whether I have decided to stop writing Good News! or whether I am going to reformat and try to do some new things that would be beneficial. If you have any suggestions let me know!

I do thank those of you who were concerned about why I wasn't posting. I appreciate it very much.


  1. I missed you and hoped everything was ok! I love reading Good News, and would love to continue, but I just say do what is best for you, -Calee Hirschi

  2. I'm sorry to hear readership has dropped. Your blog lifts me and teaches me so much. The teachings you shared about Christmas and Easter were more than wonderful.
    I'm especially glad to hear you are well, I was getting concerned about you.
    Please take care and know you are loved and appreciated.
    ~ Christine Ray.

  3. I'm thankful to know that you're okay. I was really worried about you! I would love it if you continued posting. But, if you decide not to, please leave your blog open so that we can re-read the very helpful and uplifting things you've already posted. Your posts have really made a difference in my life over the past few years. :)

  4. I echo the other comments. Thank you for your time.

  5. You have inspired me very much! I am not good at leaving comments due to limited time ( I have small children), but whatever you decide, you have touched many lives!! Thank you for sharing!!

  6. Ah! I wondered where you had gone! I was enjoying the life coaching and it stopped as quick as it started. I really enjoyed the weekly question and topic to reflect and work on. Maybe you can post once a week if it's too much? You gotta take care of you whether that's cutting back, changing directions or stopping altogether. Wishing you the best in your decision. Know you'll be missed if you're gone! Btw, I haven't blogged in nearly a month either, I guess there's been too much going on. Spring is a busy time for everyone it seems. I hope to hear from you soon!

  7. I just want to echo everything that the others have said. Thanks for your time and talents, but you need to take care of yourself.

  8. You have and do touch many lives! Thank you! I look forward to more when you're ready.

  9. I'm sorry to hear that your readersip has dropped off. Please remember that the worth of a soul is great and even if you only touch6-7 people it is worth it. 2012 was the hardest, most challenging year of our 35 year marriage. Your blog helped me to find a reason to get out of bed some mornings. EVERY time I came to read, the Lord either answered a prayer through your insights or I would reread something that gave me the strength to get through one more day. So if you ever think you are not doing any good, think again. THANK YOU!

  10. I love your blog. I used to get your blog updates from Google reader, and since that is no longer available I have to remember to check the old fashioned way! I have loved your blog for so long. Thank you so much!
