Friday, December 19, 2008

Our hearts are happy

It felt like my heart started beating for the first time today when I got the call late this evening. Everything went very well. Grizelda is gone & she was not cancerous. No radiation or chemotherapy is in Mom's future. In the doctor's words it's a miracle that with the size that she (Grizelda, not my mom) was she didn't cause blindness. We feel so blessed that it was discovered when it was. He also explained that the optic nerve fell back into place after the intruder was removed (take that, big G). We'll continue to pray for a full recovery and for no obstacles along the way.

I can't wait to get my mom back (minus Grizelda of course).

If I could kiss your feet through the internet I would. I feel so much love for all of you. Thank you for loving my mom. Thank you for your faith in praying for the miracle we received today. Thank you for being you.

By the way, I'm Mariah & as my mom explained I'll be updating this while she's recuperating. I also blog at this is our tale if you want more nitty-gritty on who I really am.


  1. What wonderful news! We will continue to pray for a full, complete and quick recovery! Thank you Johnson family for sharing your journey and for letting us unite our faith with yours. Love and Prayers, Cathy

  2. Dear Carl and family,

    Sharon and I are elated. We are at awe at your family's and Sherrie's faith and grace in facing this storm. Always remember there are countless people here and beyond who daily walk with you, your dear wife and your family in love and faith.

    Carolyn & Sharon Ugolini

  3. Sherrie and Carl,

    We are so happy. A wonderful ending to a scary story.

  4. That is "Great News" not just "good news" Thanks for sharing. We continue to pray for Sherrie.

  5. Heavenly Father certainly knows Sherrie and KNOWS that he wasn't about to answer the earlier prayer of 'hoping' it was lymphoma! I'm so thrilled that the best possible news is such a Christmas blessing. And, selfishly, it has been a blessing for me to read Sherrie's beautiful words and feel the strength of her testimony. Heavenly Father also knew what He was doing sending her 10 children so she could, along with Carl, pass on such a legacy to many of His children. Love you Sherrie.

  6. Got to love more 'Good News' on the Good News blog....;)

  7. Oh wow! So happy to hear Griz is gone!

  8. Even though I found out the news last night from dad, Mariah, and Talena, I am still experiencing tears or joy as I read this post. What a miracle and along with Mariah, what love I feel for everyone that has helped you along the way. You are very loved mom!

  9. Dear MAriah, Thank-you so much for the wonderful news!!! We have been thinking of & praying for your family ever since we heard the news!!! How is your Mom doing?? I hope she's not in as much pain as they thought possible?? What a Christmas gift for ALL of us!!! I will be reading for further news...thanks SO MUCH for keeping us up to date!!! Please give your Mom my love!!!
    Love, Debbie Feller & Family

  10. Hi. You may not know me. I am Tyson Finlinson's wife. A friend of mine urged on her blog to look at your blog as inspiration to everyone. And all I can say is, you definitely have given me a new outlook on life and make me want to be a better person. I just read all of this months blogs and I feel stronger to Heavenly Father and Christ already. You've inspired me to start writing more meaningful things on my blog because it brought such joy to read what you wrote. Thank you.

  11. I'm thankful that Heavenly Father has answered your prayers and our prayers in your behalf in this miraculous way. Thanks for sharing this good news with all of us. We'll continue to pray for a complete healing and comfort as your recover. :)

  12. Sherrie,
    We are elated to hear the remarkable news about your surgery. Our prayers continue with you and your family.
    What a MERRY Christmas.
    Camille and Paul Olson

  13. Such a blessing. God is in charge. I am so glad. I will continue to pray for you. Keep up dating. I love you!

  14. Yea!! We are so happy for you Sherrie. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, as we know you'll make a quick and smooth recovery. Goodbye Grizelda!

  15. Hello Sister Johnson,

    I just found out from the grapevine about Grizelda. I took a religion class from you last year, and wanted to thank you for how you continue to strengthen my testimony. My family will pray that you recover quickly.

    David Terrazas

  16. I was a bit nervous logging into the blog today, not sure what I'd find. I'm so happy to hear it is GOOD news!! What a beautiful Christmas gift. God bless you!


  17. I am so happy you and for your family. You do not know me, but I met your sweet husband while we waited for our 6 month old baby to come out of an MRI. I was so grateful to him for sharing your blog with me because As I sat there worried and sad he showed me what you had written in your last blog entry. I can't tell you how much that meant to me. YOur faith helped strengthen mine. Thank you!! I hope that you continue to get better. May GOD Bless you and your dear husband for his kindness and Christlike love for sharing something that I needed to hear. MY baby ended up being fine and we too feel so bless. Thanks again.

  18. Hi Mariah! I know you have lots on your mind...but....we are starving for updates! Love to your mom and all your family.
