Sunday, December 21, 2008


That's really the only thing that comes to mind as I think of what to say. Mom is doing great. She has amazed us and the doctors alike with the progress she's making. Today they moved her out of the ICU and she's now on the regular floor. She even took a walk around the floor a couple of times.

We're so thankful for your continued prayers and know she is feeling them as she heals. She was also thrilled and thankful when I told her so many have commented on her blog. So keep saying hello and granting good wishes.

We love you all.


  1. This is excellent news!!! Sending a continuous stream of love, hugs, prayers to Sherrie and to all of her lovely family!!! Thanks for the updates.

  2. Sherri, while I don't know you, I really appreciate Carl here in the office. You and your family are in our prayers, and we are so pleased with the prognosis. Take care.

    Carolyn Ugolini

  3. Sherrie, we are heading to our cabin for Christmas. We will continue to pray for you. Love you!

  4. That is such great news! I figure it's because so many are praying for you--but also because you've kept your mind and faith so active over the years. :) We'll keep praying and you keep healing! :) Merry Christmas!!

  5. What a great Christmas present!! With all the gloom and doom in the world, your miracle and return to good health is heartwarming and uplifting. You are so deserving and I look forward to seeing you be able to recover and regain your normal life in the coming new year. xoxoxo

  6. You are my Christmas miracle! Prayers are definitely answered. Your strong faith, testimony and knowledge are an inspiration to me. I pray that you will continue to have a speedy recovery. Love you.

  7. Dear Sherrie, We are THRILLED!! Talked to Carl at church yesterday & his happiness & joy were a wonderful Chistmas gift to us!!! Keep it up!!
    Much Love, the Feller Famly

  8. You ARE amazing mother. I just talked to Mariah and she said you are even coming home today!!! I am so excited for you and am so glad the recovery is going well. I can't wait to see you soon. I wish I was there already.....

  9. My Darling Sherrie, Oh how the Lord Loves you. Your faith has been proven. Your life long commitment to the Lord is worthy of the strength of Job. We have witnessed a miracle through faith, prayer, and love. It's so exciting that you are amazing even your doctors. We send our continued prayers and love for your speedy recovery. **Coming home today?** All we can say is, WOW!!!!

  10. Sherrie,

    We heard about your surgery the day before it happened. Wow, what a scare! Now, with the good news of surgical success, we join with you in rejoicing over the blessings that have flowed to you and your family.

    Wanless & Jerrie

  11. Mrs Johnson,my name is Sharon Breen
    I took care of Patrea when she had
    I wanted to wish you a fast recovery and know I am praying for you...and your family.
    You are amazing....God Bless
    hold tight to the Lord..always.

    "You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

    Psalm 16:11 (NASB)

  12. Sister Johnson,
    I took New Testament from you this past semester.
    I have to say its been such a blessing in my life. The things i learned in the class, and the spirit i felt learning about my savior has changed my life forever. You are without a doubt the most influential teacher i've ever had, and definitely my favorite. You and your family are in the prayers of my family and I.
    You are an incredible person and a blessing to everyone and i'm so happy to hear you're doing well.

    thank you for everything sister johnson!I hope you have a merry christmas!

    -Malerie Loveland

  13. Sherrie,I was so happy to hear on Sunday that your surgery was so successful! What a miracle! We will continue to pray for your full recovery. We love you and your family!

    Rachel Williams and Family
