Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Home for Christmas

Mom came home on Monday afternoon. She is loving recuperating in the comfort of her own home. We, of course, are thrilled to have her home for Christmas.

We sincerely thank you again for being a part of this miracle.

May your Christmas be merry and new year full of happy adventures.


  1. What a wonderful Christmas gift for all of you. :) Thank you for keeping us updated.

  2. Dear Sherrie, We are all so very happy your are on the mend and that you have your eyesight! Your blog is inspirational and I'm so proud of your bravery and confidence in sharing such a difficult experience. My favorite thing you wrote was this: "But some of us are so afraid of opening up and being vulnerable that we shut out the very help we need." This is so very true. We all wish you a very Happy New Year...may it bring The Best to you and yours!
    With Love , Denise Warner
