Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It is late Christmas Eve and my heart is full. There is no way to put into words all that I am feeling. Not being able to do much, I’ve been able to ponder the incredible miracles that have come into my life this week. I now have a beautiful, big scar on my head that will serve as a life-long reminder of the birth so long ago that changed the world: A birth that allowed miracles to occur. That first time I opened my eyes after the surgery, I glanced around the room then closed my eyes again. It was a moment before the thought occurred to me, “I saw everything! I’m not blind!” And then I fell back into a peaceful sleep. It was awhile later that I came to and the extent of the miracles began to unfold.

I do not know why some prayers are answered so miraculously and some are not. But what I do know is that the baby born to Mary makes everything all right. It might not be in the exact way we want or wish, but it is always right. Jesus Christ takes our sorrows, our griefs, our pains, all of our hurt and changes it into something wonderful. I don’t know how. I only know He does it. This Christmas Eve I am more sure of that fact than of anything else in the world. He gives love, light, and life to all who will follow Him. My prayer this Christmas Eve is that all will see His light. It shines so very brightly whenever we open our eyes.


  1. Wow! Good to hear from you again. It's great that you're able to share some of your thoughts and feelings so soon after your surgery. Thanks for sharing such a neat testimony of the Savior. Merry Christmas! :)

  2. Thank you, thank you for your gift of sharing your thoughts and experiences of the last two weeks. So beautifully stated. Your testimony of Christ has strengthened mine. He lives! So glad to have you back and recovering. (Kim Davis)

  3. Sherrie and family, What a wonderful Christmas miracle! Thanks again for sharing your testimony and faith with all of us. May you continue your amazing recovery and especially enjoy being together as a family this sacred Holiday. Love Always, Cathy

  4. What a beautiful post. So glad you are healing and able to see the light. You are so amazing and we will continue to pray for you!

  5. Sherrie:

    We, as a ward family, are so grateful for prayers answered in your behalf. The power of a beautiful Priesthood blessing was certainly manifest through you. We continue to pray to a speedy and total recovery.


    Bishop Davis

  6. I'm so glad you are doing well! What a gift your sight is and how sad it would be for you to lose it. Truly miracles do happen. Please let me know of any ways I can help you!
