Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Squeaky New Life!

Things are coming along well! I’m not in much pain, but I have a head that squeaks and drips. I’ll turn suddenly and something uncorks and inside my head there will be a drip, drip, drip. Or I’ll lay my head on a pillow and it squishes on the inside like a sponge expelling water. Very strange! But the best part is the giant “C” for Christmas that I have on the top of my head. In order to keep from frightening all the grandchildren, I call it my “zipper”. Some of the grandkids like it a lot and others don’t so my hats are coming in handy. The staples will come out Monday. (I try not to think about that!)

The most beautiful part of all this has been to watch my family take over. My daughters, all nine of them plus my daughter-in-law, have been here at some point over the holiday and helped to take care of me. My daughter who is a nurse stayed with me in the hospital and tended to my every need. They cooked an amazing sit down dinner for 37 people on Christmas day and we celebrated the birth of the Savior. After dinner the children performed the nativity punctuated with Christmas songs that we all sang together. Carl and I gave them our gifts and then we sat around for a long time talking about the Christmas’s we remembered best. There was something more there that night than just celebration. Everything anyone of us did or said was underscored by the fact that we had been the recipients a series of miracles from the very Savior whose birth we celebrated. The doctor can’t look at me without shaking his head and saying, “I’ve seen tumors much smaller than this cause blindness. There’s no way I can explain how you can see!”

It has also been amazing to watch my husband take over and tend to my every need. I’ve always been the care giver. He was bishop of a huge ward for five years and then mayor of a small city for eight years. In between he went back to school for an MPA from BYU. But to watch now as he carefully puts on my slippers for me, washes and medicates the Big “C” in my head, and thinks ahead to determine my every need has been so touching.

And I can’t even begin to thank all of you for your kindness, concern, prayers and love. This is truly a Christmas I will never forget.


  1. I am so happy to see you recovering so well and your future so bright. You still have been through such an ordeal, though, so take good care of yourself and blessings to your great family. You and Carl have obviously raised them well. May this be your happiest New Year ever! Love, Cathie Totten

  2. Sherrie you are amazing! I am so glad things have turned out so well for you. Carl and your family must be so happy. What a blessing to have your operation successful. Love, Wendy Hill

  3. Nice to hear from you! Looking forward to a tea party celebration when the time is right!

  4. Dear Sherrie,
    As I have followed your travels through this ordeal, there were a couple of very specific thoughts that came to mind. After the initial shock, my first reaction was that perhaps the incredible amount of gospel knowledge you have accumulated had given you the opportunity to graduate to the next 'level' of learning. That was followed by the panic that WE had not had the chance to learn everything yet that you could teach us. Then there was the inner smile from the realization that you have just actually given us another lesson--one in faith and miracles. It is one thing to read or hear about a miracle in someone's life, it is quite another to see it from a front row seat. Thank you for your candor and openness in sharing this experience with us....teaching us again. May your next lesson exact less of a personal price!

    We love and pray for you and your family,
    Vicki Garbutt & family

  5. Darling you look Marvelous...just marvelous.I hope it doesnt hurt when laughing.Patrea will

    God bless...and have a Beautiful
    beautiful......New you
    and your Wonderful...beautiful family.....Love Sharon Breen

  6. I'm a friend of Meleah's from Texas and I am so relieved and pleased to hear about your successful surgery. What a miracle!

  7. My head looked like that one time. That was in 1989. I had a black eye for 6 months. It is nice to hear things are going well. You have a great family.

    If they would do the same thing to the other side it would look like a least that is how mine looked.

  8. You're amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. Anissa tells us how well you are doing and we are so happy for you. What a story!

  9. Dear Sherrie, So glad to see you looking so well!! I have talked to Carl & have been thrilled to feel his utter JOY!!! It is quite amazing to see your husband become the caregiver. I was so touched by Wil's tender care for me & is quite a role reversal!!! I am so happy for ALL of you & that you are being so well loved & cared for by your family!!! Take Care!!!
    Love, Debbie
