Friday, January 23, 2009

For Good!

One of the interesting things about my recent adventure is listening to the doctors tell stories of other patients. They never revealed names, but I’ve been surprised at the number of stories they’ve told me such as the man injured in a serious automobile accident. That would at first appear to be terrible adversity. But in the course of taking care of his injuries, they discovered that he had a benign tumor (similar to Grizelda) in his spine and if left unattended it would have paralyzed him. But because of the accident, the tumor was removed before there were symptoms or irreparable damage.

Another story involved a two-year old boy in an automobile accident. The MRI after the accident showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in his brain. This one was malignant, but was removed before it spread and the boy’s life was saved.

Another story was of a man from out of state who was hurt in a snowmobiling accident while on vacation in Utah. No one thought he would live, but his wife insisted the doctors do all they could, and so they did. After extensive surgery, he was in the ICU of the hospital for four months and on the floor and in rehabilitation after that. By the time he left the hospital, he was a healthy 75 pounds lighter and had been introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ which his whole family joined.

God works in mysterious ways. You never know when a flat tire has saved you from an accident down the road. You may not always be able to tell what good is coming out of the trials you face. But you can know that if you trust in the Lord and do what He instructs “all things shall work together for your good” (D&C 90:24).


  1. What a blessing to have God's hand in our lives--especially since He sees the whole picture and knows what we REALLY need and WHEN we need it. Thanks for sharing this perspective. :) (I've had FIVE good days in a row--and I am so thankful to feel like myself again!)

  2. Sister Johnson Your blog is one of the most uplifting I have ever been privileged to read. You are so right that God works in mysterious ways. Your blog has helped not only you but many others in your Stake and others who have been able to read your thought.

    I am so glad that all has worked out for you and that you are on the mend now.

    God has blessed you and others through you.
    Sue Chase Cascade 5

  3. Wendi, That is wonderful news! Five days!!! And yes, we all need to just trust more in the Lord's loving care. He knows what he is doing!!!

  4. Sue, Thank you so much for your kind remarks. But it isn't me. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so amazing. The Savior is with us. He cares. And He WILL help us through whatever trials we face if we just let Him. It was so nice of you to take the time to leave a comment!!!!
