Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Heart Is Overflowing!

Some of the things I am grateful for today.
(1)A niece who is willing to cut off her beautiful, long, strawberry-blond hair to make me a wig.
(2)My sister (the same one I prayed into the world many years ago) who wished with all her heart that she could have this trial instead of me.
(3)A husband who gave up his favorite recliner for me and who is attentive to my every whim.
(4)Two grandsons in the house, Nate and Ryan, who keep saying, “Whatever you need, Nana!”
(5)Daughters and a son who are praying for me, crying with me, and though most of them are far away, they are checking up on me daily. But most of all, for the fact that they keep me laughing.
(6)Friends who have called, visited, emailed, or comment on my blog to express their love.
(7)A cheerful green pillowcase my grandson, Tyler, made me. Besides being made of soft flannel, it brings me great emotional comfort. He can’t be near me, but his gift reminds me of him and of all my wonderful grandchildren.
(8)A red, down comforter given to me by a dear friend, Jackie. Never before did I realize how red inspires a sense of ultimate victory.
(9)A beautiful tote bag covered in Palmettos that I have used to carry everything between all my appointments. It reminds me of the love I felt from all the wonderful sisters in South Carolina who recently gave it to me.
(10)A wonderful friend, Pat, who kept me stocked in chocolate.
(11)An anonymous gift left on my door step that contained among other things a white knit hat so that I can still attend the temple.
(12)Many gifts of friendship and love such as a nativity, flowers, pomegranates, bread, cookies, hats, scarves, and rainbow slippers, but especially the beautiful book of notes the sisters in my ward wrote and Christie compiled and another from my students last semester that Amy compiled.
(13)And again, I am grateful for all of your prayers.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


  1. What a neat list of things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for your blog, your words of encouragement, your good example of faith and a positive outlook, and your prayers. Today has been another good day. (That makes four in a row!) It's been really good--even with the rain. In fact, I just returned from walking in it. :)

  2. Wendi, I'm so glad you had another good day! I can't wait to go walking in the rain again. It's one of my favorite things to do!

  3. Aunt Sherrie! You are still amazing! I'm afraid the next time I see you I will break down in tears because of the strength you have and how much you have strengthened my testimony. I love you so much and thank you! But we should get together soon because I could always use a good cry ;)

  4. Jessie, I'm ready for lunch anytime! I'd love to get together with you. Just tell me when.
