Monday, January 19, 2009

Going Back To Church

During the time I’ve been recuperating, they brought the sacrament to me. But yesterday I went to Church for the first time since the surgery and it was wonderful to take the sacrament in a congregation again! I remember several times throughout my life the person conducting Sacrament Meeting would say something about how we could all go home after the sacrament and we would have done what we came to do. I don’t believe that. The sacrament may be the most important thing we do in the meeting, but there is something important about being in a congregation and experiencing the love, learning, spirit, and combined faith that are also essential elements of the meeting.

I appreciated very much the priesthood holders who took their time to bring me the sacrament. But it was very strange to be the only one partaking. I’ve never realized before how much the time it takes to give everyone the sacrament means to me. In my home I didn’t have time to chew the bread before they gave me the water. There was no meditation time. No pondering. No soaking in the feelings.

It was so good yesterday to ponder. So good to have time to really experience the sacrament. So good to really feel it. So good. Oh, so good!


  1. Yes that pondering, praying and deep feeling you get during the sacrament is my fav...

  2. Dusty, It is so good to hear from you again. Hope all is going well for you!

  3. Dear Sherrie, I know exactly what you mean about not having enough time to chew the bread when you get the sacrament at home!! I SO APPRECIATE Carl, your sweet grandsons & the others that brought the sacrament to me during our LONG recovery period. Chelan & I are SO GRATEFUL to be back at church!! What a BLESSING!! We will be released the 8th of we will be back in the ward soon!! SO GLAD to hear you are doing so well & of your miracles!!!
    Much Love, Debbie
