Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This Is A Great Day!

I just returned home from seeing the eye surgeon, Dr. Todd Cook. Once more he told me what a miracle I was. But while waiting for my eyes to dilate, his associate Dr. Olson, who is a friend of ours, came in and told me again what a miracle I was. He also said that on the day of the surgery he’d never seen Dr. Todd so emotional. “He didn’t expect to be able to preserve your vision,” he said. “He was overcome with how everything went, and acknowledged that there had been some intervention from a higher source.” If that wasn’t enough, he told me that he also spoke to one of the operating room nurses immediately after the surgery and was told that there was a tension in the operating room and that at first they thought I would be blind, but they were ecstatic when they realized Grizelda had been excises without damaging my sight.

But here is the most amazing thing. After the eye exam it was discovered that my eyesight is better than it was before. My prescription in the eye Grizelda inhabited is half the strength that it was before! Even my other eye has a little better vision.

And there is more good news! When I arrived at home there was a package on my doorstep and in it was a copy of a newly released book, Shedding Light on the New Testament, in which I wrote one of the chapters. My chapter is “Paul’s Teachings in 1 Corinthians on Women.” I know; it’s not a very exciting title, but the research was so fun. Paul revered and respected women and understood some things that we have lost track of.

So, I can sleep lying down. I can drive a car. My hair is almost ½ inch in length. And life begins anew. I have so very much to be grateful for!


  1. I am so happy for you. You are a walking miracle. And I am very happy you are sharing this experience with the everyone.

  2. I'm so happy to hear all this good news! How neat to hear about doctors acknowledging God's hand during your operation and healing. And what a blessing to have your vision be even clearer than before. Best wishes for comfortable sleep and continued hair growth! :)

  3. Laresa, You are one of my miracles! You are wonderful!!!

  4. Wendi, Thanks for the good wishes. I'm looking forward to tonight's rest!

  5. Sis/Dr johnson you are so loved by our Heavenly Father!!!!- wow and I can't wait to read the book and read your chapter of course! Thanks for all the positive you bring into the blogging universe.

  6. Dusty, Thanks for the kind words. It is good to hear from you as always. I can't wait to see you.

  7. WOW! Your eye sight is better than before the surgery? So Amazing! God is Good!
