Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quick Update!

The last few days have been my best yet! It is wonderful to slowly be getting my strength back! I even went out to the mailbox today to get the mail.

However, I do have to admit that the short-term memory thing has been a bit of a problem. I often have to stand someplace for minutes trying to remember why I am there. But the worst was yesterday when I went to put some towels in the washer and all of a sudden realized that I was in the garage and had just thrown the towels in the garbage. I did remember at that point that the garbage wasn’t where I was intending to go, retrieved the towels, and put them in the washer. I just hope that I don’t do something stupid like that without remembering what I intended.

I measured this morning and my hair is all of 1/4 inch long. Hair grows! Life moves on. The best is yet to come!


  1. Thanks for the update. It makes me happy to hear about your progress. Thank you, as always, for your positive example. :)

  2. Wendi, Thank you! You are always so kind to leave a comment. I love communicating! xoxoxo

  3. I must deal with short-term memory lost. Things like that happen to me all the time. Glad you doing well we keep praying for you. Love you!

  4. Hi Sis. Johnson, I saw Laresa when I was going in and coming out of the Temple tonight. She always has such wonderful things to say about her mom. She was wearing the most beautiful smile and I can't tell you what her hair looked like because I was drawn to her smile, and I thought huh... I don't remember what your hair looked like either but I do remember your smile. It's beautiful just like your daughter's! Love, TeLene

  5. Sherrie, just don't throw out your wallet.... Maybe somebody should hide it from you!

  6. Barb, Thanks for the prayers. I know that's why the miracles have happened.

  7. TeLene, Thank you for the encouragement. I've been a little shy about going out in public with no hair, but as I read your post I realized that if I just keep smiling maybe people won't notice my hair! You are wonderful!

  8. Jennie, The one good thing is I've only left the house twice and haven't needed a wallet. But when I do go out, maybe I better keep a written log of where it is! Thanks for the chuckle!

  9. You are amazing! Thanks for pointing out all the positives. I loved your post about money saved on hair products as well as time. Maybe I will convert:) (well probably not, Jason is a huge fan of long hair)

  10. Kristi, Your hair is too gorgeous to cut! I didn't lose much! It's so good to hear from you. I love your picture! You are always up to something fun!!!

  11. As usual, Sherrie, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Has the hair started growing around the scar yet? I remember many years ago when I had a head wound that the doctor told me that the fever around the head wound which promotes healing can cause a temporary hair loss. I'm betting that's what is happening with you. You'll have a full head of hair before you know it!

  12. Candy, Thanks for the encouragement! I've had several people tell me there's no way it will grow back. I'm clinging to your diagnosis.
