Monday, January 12, 2009


In the scriptures we find a verse explaining that at one point “the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man” (D&C 1:10). I read that for years and always interpreted it to mean that the Lord would come and dish out punishments to the wicked. Oh, how wrong I was!

One day the Lord will come, and one day those who have rebelled against Him will receive their just rewards, BUT so will all those who have obeyed. He will come with healing in his wings, and part of that healing will be compensation to the righteous who have desired and tried to help others, but have suffered. (Which includes us all! Part of life is suffering!)

But look at the word. There is something more there. Recompense means “to return in kind.” It comes from the Latin recompensare and means to compensate again. That insinuates that He has done it before. So when?

The answer to that is simple. Every day. If we just open our eyes and pay attention, we see that His blessings, and healing, and tender mercies aren’t something we have to wait for. Compensation is an ongoing process. It happens daily!


  1. I needed to hear that today. Everyday I try and look around at the tender mercies the Lord has shown me. I think this year I might make a tender mercie journal.

  2. I'm thankful for this post. I've really struggled with my emotional health this year. But there have been many ways the Lord has blessed us, even though I haven't been healed in the way I would have hoped.

  3. Laresa, A tender-mercy journal does amazing things for a person. For some reason we forget the good and remember the bad. The journal helps us remember. You are wonderful!!!!

  4. Wendi, Hang in there! Sometimes healing takes time, but with the Lord you can do it!

  5. Sherrie, I'm so glad you have done so well with your surgery. I wish there was something wonderful I could share with you. I do have something wonderful. Krystal has been so inspired by your entries and we have been able to share our feelings about what you have written. Not that you haven't been inspiring me for many years but what a joy to share with my own daughter. I guess the only thing I can really say is thank you. Thank you again for your wisdom and insights. Kellie P.S. Please tell Carl hello for me.

  6. Kellie, It is so good to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words. I hope all is going well with you. You are the one who is an inspiration to many! You are amazing!

  7. Thinking of you and sending hugs, prayers and blessings. I love the idea of a tender mercies journal. My friend Jayne and I keep gratitude journals. I am grateful for so many things but as my friend Jayne reminded me, sometimes we need to be reminded in a tangible way of how special that particular sunset was or how spectacular the full moon was and so forth! The Lord's tender mercy abounds so fully and it would be great to have a record of that when things are not "quite right"
