Monday, March 30, 2009

When It Snows . . .

We are working at warp speed here in Utah. Saturday was a beautiful spring day and Sunday it was winter. We received four inches of snow! I wonder what season it will be tomorrow!

It made me think of one of my favorite verses of scripture. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” This verse helps me realize that God is in charge. Nothing happens by coincidence or especially by accident. Therefore when it snows on our lives, instead of being upset, we can know that it is the season for snow. We can step back and say, “There is a purpose for this snow in my life right now. What am I supposed to be learning?” Instead of thinking, this isn’t supposed to be happening right now. We can think, if God sent snow right now. It is supposed to be. There is a reason.

Once we accept truth, we are then in a frame of mind to be tutored and taught by the Spirit. But more than that, we are in the right frame of mind to be guided and directed. Instead of burying our heads under the electric blanket and crying about the snow, we can build a snowman, or an igloo, or some muscle shoveling it off the driveway. There can be great joy in snow. You just need to choose it.


  1. Hi Sherrie. It was good to see you in WB. I enjoyed your talk! I would have stayed around after but I had to rush to a primary thing for my ward. I'm glad to see that you're doing so well.

  2. Kim, It is sooo good to hear from you! I saw you at the conference and was disappointed that I didn't get to talk to you afterward. Thanks for the kind words. I hope all is going well with you! I love your blog and seeing your little boy! He is so cute!

  3. This was a good reminder for me. We came home from our vacation down in Moab yesterday evening and woke up to snow. Crazy Utah weather!

  4. Wendi, don't you just love surprises! I hope you had a good trip!

  5. Snow...what is snow??? We have snow dandruff! I guess when you see it all winter it becomes less special. It would be a joy to sit by the fire and look out the window to a white wonderland (for a day or two) I just wouldn't want to have to work etc.

  6. Connie, It is nice, for a day or two. Lately it has been exciting just to wake up and see what season it will be today! It snowed again last night!

  7. It is May 24th but I've been referred to your blog by a friend and wanted to stop in and say thank you for this post.
